Here are some Nepali quotes:
1. "जीवन खुशीले बिताउन चाहने हो भने सानो सानो खुशीहरुलाई समेटेर जीवन तथाकथित बडामा बनाउन सकिन्छ।" (Translation: If you want to live a happy life, you can make a big life by collecting small moments of happiness.)
2. "जहाँ साथ हो त्यहाँ सुख हो।" (Translation: Where there is togetherness, there is happiness.)
3. "माया गर्न खोज्नु पर्छ बन्द आँखा खोलेर, माया पाउन चाहनु पर्छ मन खोलेर।" (Translation: To find love, you have to open your closed eyes. To love, you have to open your heart.)
4. "बिना निराशाको जीवन नै सफल हो जसलाई सफलताको खोजी मात्र छैन।" (Translation: A life without disappointment is successful, not just the one that seeks success.)
5. "सफलता अनुभव हो, अनुभव तर्फ देखिन्छ।" (Translation: Success is an experience, and experience is seen from the other side.)
6. "मानिसले स्वयंलाई नै सम्झाउनु पर्दछ, अन्यलाई सम्झाउनु त गर्छैन।" (Translation: One has to understand oneself, one cannot make others understand.)
7. "हार्दिक शुभकामना" (Translation: Warm wishes.)
8. "आजकल लोग अति धनबान्ती र निराशामय भएका छन्, यो सबै छाड्दै जानु हुन्छ।" (Translation: Nowadays, people are too focused on money and have become hopeless. We have to leave all this behind.)
9. "समयलाई सदैव सम्झनुहोस् कि समय तपाईंलाई समेत बदल्छ, तर तपाईं समयलाई बदल्न सक्नुहुन्न।" (Translation: Always remember that time changes you, but you cannot change time.)